My Philosophy of Teaching


My Philosophy of Teaching

    For as long as I can remember I've always wanted to be a teacher. I have always had a passion for working with young learners. Throughout my years of schooling, I was lucky to have amazing teachers who served as role models to me. 

    The Job of a teacher is not an easy one. Good teachers spend five days a week educating students in the classroom. Dedicated teachers go beyond the regular school hours and days to ensure they are giving their students a valuable education. For me, education goes beyond teaching math and spelling. To be an elementary school teacher you have to teach your students the importance of kindness, respect, and teamwork. In high school I volunteered in a kindergarten class twice a week, there I learned the importance of teachers focusing on these concepts on top of regular academics. 

    A teacher's goal is to make every student feel welcome and accomplished in the classroom. Most students, look at teachers as their role models and value the guidance we give them. It's important to remember that every student is special and unique in their own way. Each student learns and comprehends differently, so it's the job of the teacher to create effective and engaging lessons to properly educate students. It's through following this that a teacher can be truly successful in educating a young learner.
    As a future teacher, I hope to be a role model for my students and help them become accomplished learners. I want to help guide my students to explore and learn through interactive lessons so they can make educational experiences that will guide them through their educational careers.


  1. I really like the quote you chose to start your post, its so true! I always think it is so cool when people say they've always known they wanted to be a teacher. I think the people around me knew before I did because people were constantly telling me as I was growing up and even in my adult like that I should be a teacher. Great post Megan!


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