Science Inquiry: Explain

 Science Inquiry: Explain: 5Es Learning Cycle

    The 5Es Learning Cycle is a model based on the Learning Cycle approaches developed by BSCS. It is a 5 step pattern of problem-solving students use during lessons. These steps are; Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate/Extend, and lastly Evaluate.

5Es Learning Cycle steps:
  • Engage: This step is were the task introduced, students make connections from past learning and experiences. This step is supposed to engage interest and involvement in the students. 
  • Explore: Learners participate in hands-on activities to being observations. Students should have experience of the phenomena being observed. This is a time for collaboration between learners; sparking questioning, sharing, and communication. 
  • Explain: Learners begin there analysis using their hypotheses, questions, observations, and experiences of the task.
  • Elaborate/Extend: Learners know take there experiences and information and expand on it. Learners should use inferences, deductions, and hypotheses to provide further understanding.
  • Evaluate: Learners should evaluate their work using rubrics, checklists, or observations given by the teacher to ensure progress. further inquiry should be encouraged to the learners about specific topics, these further inquires will continue new cycles to start. 
