Science Inquiry: Engage

 Engage: Science Inquiry Response: Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Video

    In the video, Neil DeGrasse Tyson discusses the importance of science literacy and the act of making inquires. He discusses the power science literacy givings someone when they are able to understand the process of making correct inquires. He uses the examples of crystals which I thought were very interesting. I took an earth science course prior to this course where we discussed not only the scientific uses but also the healing purposes they have. He discusses how people will jump right to the price and want to buy the crystals before asking important questions. By asking the correct inquires you become more educated and aware of the uses, for example, what aliments the crystals can cure and how quickly.

    I also thought it was very interesting how he compared scientists to people of other professions for example literary scholars. Scientists are known to be highly educated in the field of science, of course, however, they are very knowledgable on other academics. They are educated in the fine arts and appreciate more than giving profession. In comparison to literary scholars who are only educated on there given field, often joking about there lack of skills in other academics such as math. Scientists pride themselves in being proficient in many fields in order to reach a higher level of intellect. 

    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the video and questioned my own scientific literacy. I do agree on the importance of fully educating yourself in various fields that interest you. More often than we realize, being knowledgable in other academics can be very beneficial to use in our professions.
