Teaching Climate Change Lesson

Climate Change Lesson 10/29/20 


    On Tuesday the 29th my partners and I taught a climate change lesson discussing forest fires, flooding, water supply loss, and sea-level rising. This was the first time I created a science lesson and the first time I created a lesson to teach on google meets. 

    The process of creating a lesson with my partners was a very informative learning experience. We spent two days creating an engaging and effective lesson for our fieldwork students. After a practice run-through of the lessons and showing our professor we were able to make adjustments from the first presentation before teaching it. This was great cause it allowed us time to fix everything in order to have a better lesson. we made sure to include visuals that would engage students like photos, diagrams, and videos. We also included actions to the writing so the information would appear when needed, this helped us not overwhelm the students with too much info at once. overall the process of creating the lesson did take a lot of time and was a bit stressful at times however,  it was worth it all in order to create an effective lesson.

    On Tuesday we taught the lesson on Google meets. We had one student log on for the lesson. The lesson went very well with minor complications. It was a little difficult only having one student to interact with but the student was great at participating. Each of us taught our slides covering one of the topics. My topic was flooding, I started by covering key terms in order to fully understand floods. I then discussed the various causes and effects of floods. Lastly finishing my part of the lesson with three questions and a cartoon video of Mr. Binncos discussing floods to wrap up.

    Overall our lesson went very well despite only having one student. We taught an engaging effective lesson and our students seemed to enjoy the lesson and learn new information about topics of climate change. We look forward to teaching our inquiry lesson next session.
