Learning Curve of Virtual Teaching

 The Struggles of Teaching Virtually 

    Due to the pandemic schools around America have been closed forcing schools to be taught remotely. Teachers and students have to adjust the way they teach and learn in order to stay successful during this new time of schooling. I have had a first-hand experience with this being a student myself taking virtual classes and a teacher candidate teaching lessons to my students virtually.  

    This semester I have learned so much about teaching virtually and how to create effective engaging lessons. Through my fieldwork experience in Scientific Methods as well as my RTI course I have become familiar with various programs and tools that allow me to create effective lessons. It can be a struggle having to adjust a lesson to be taught online and keep students engaged but it's not impossible. If there's one takeaway I could take from this whole experience is that the method of teaching is constantly changing and as long as you adapt and think outside of the box you can be a great teacher. These times have been stressful for students, teachers, and parents however, it's important that we stay positive and work together to ensure a great education for the student.

    I definitely would not have expected that I would learn so much about teaching virtually and have to conduct fieldwork online but you never know what's going to happen. 
