New Age of Teaching: Technology Safety

 Technology Safety: Keeping Student's Safe on Technology

    With the way students are being taught switching from a classroom setting to a virtual setting due to the pandemic, new concerns have to be taken into consideration to protect student's safety. My professor shared an important article by Amy Roberts, "How to Keep Your Students From Viewing Harmful Content" the article discusses the importance of educating students on the dangers of online activity and how a software management system in your classroom can help.

    It's important for students to know what they post online will be seen forever by their teachers, peers, and future employers. what you say online can follow you for the rest of your life so it's important to be aware of what you say and always use professional language when speaking to peers online. there's also a risk of cyberbullying that can become seriously harmful.

    As educators, there are steps to prevent these issues from occurring. as previously stated a software management system allows teachers to monitor student's virtual activity. A system called Netop Vision allows teachers to see student's computer screens in real-time. Other software programs allow teachers to approve websites students can access. various programs like these two can be very beneficial in protecting your students will complete virtual class assignments.

    I thought this article was very interesting and relevant to the way we are conducting class virtual now. I did not know about these software programs before reading this article so it was extremely informative reading the article.
