Book Trailer: Why does the Earth have season?

 Science Book Trailer

Book info/Synopsis:    

    This book, written by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld and illustrated by Priscilla Lamont published in 2014 discuss the science behind the changing seasons and earth’s rotation around the sun. The book is full of informative information and graphs to help educate young learners. 

Science Connections:

    The Earth’s changing seasons are an important topic taught in any science class. The earth spins on its axis taking 24 hours to complete a full rotation. It also completes a full rotation around the sun in 365 days. With the earth constantly rotating around it causes day and night as well as the four seasons. Zoehfeld’s book does a great job at detailing the scientific facts behind the earth's rotation describing the Hemispheres and Equator. The book also highlights the Fall Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, and lastly the Summer Solstice to properly educate the reader. Alongside an effective and engaging lesson, this book is very beneficial to teaching young scientists the changing seasons.

Science Connections:

    The Earth’s changing seasons are an important topic taught in any science class. The earth spins on its axis taking 24 hours to complete a full rotation. It also completes a full rotation around the sun in 365 days. With the earth constantly rotating around it causes day and night as well as the four seasons. Zoehfeld’s book does a great job at detailing the scientific facts behind the earth's rotation describing the Hemispheres and Equator. The book also highlights the Fall Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, and lastly the Summer Solstice to properly educate the reader. Alongside an effective and engaging lesson, this book is very beneficial to teaching young scientists the changing seasons.

Teaching Connections:

This book can be used to help students understanding of the standards below from NGSS:

  • Students who demonstrate understanding can: 5-ESSI-1 Support an argument that differences in the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars is due to their relative distance from the Earth 

  • Students who demonstrate understanding can: 5-ESSI-2 Represent data in graphical displays to reveal patterns of daily changes in length and direction of shadows, day and night, and the seasonal appearance of some star in the night sky.


My Book Trailer 

To create the Book Trailer I used Animoto

Suggested Use:

This book would be a great addition to the lesson discussing the changes in seasons. If read at the start of the lesson in the ENGAGE aspect it will allow students to see a visual representation of the information told from the perspective of two young children like themselves. This book will allow for high-level thinking and prepare students for the lesson.

Four season rhymes and activities for young scientists: The Weather and the Four Seasons Books and Activities | KidsSoup

